Tay Francis, M.Sc.

Tay Francis, M.Sc.

Human Design & Proven Strategies for Leaders and Change-Makers

Competitor Analysis Worksheet


A simple yet effective worksheet to help you conduct a competitor analysis for your brand, product and/or services.

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Decoding your Design for Beginners (free ebook)


A free guide with everything you need to know to get started with human design. By entering your email and downloading this guide you agree to receive email communications from Tay Francis. (I'll never spam you).

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Decoding your Design for Generators Guide


A companion guide made especially for you, the Generator learning to work with your human design and your powerful Sacral energy.

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Essential Human Design Reading


Your Human Design bodygraph chart is your very own map of your unique energetic signature based on the day you were born! This chart can act as a personalised guide to help you understand yourself, give you insight about your natural gifts, help you build better relationships, make better decisions, and empower you to live a more fulfilling life. In this reading, we will dive deep into your human design Type, Strategy, Inner Authority, Profile, Definition, and Signature and False Self-Themes to help you make the most of your unique gifts, energy and cosmic cycles. If you're looking for guidance on a specific area of your life like your career, relationships, self-care, creative pursuits, etc. please specify in the booking form so that we can focus on that in the reading! This reading includes: 60-minute video call on Google Meet or ZoomVideo recording to rewatch any timeFull human design chart for you to keep Tay Francis is a Human Design Specialist and a certified Professional Life Coach with degrees in psychology and development statistics, along with 10 years of experience as a behavioural and social impact researcher. During the pandemic, Tay left her corporate market research career behind, healed her chronic illness with Human Design and started a business where she uses her gifts to help real people in their real lives. By purchasing this reading, you agree to the Terms and Conditions: https://www.thetayfrancis.com/terms-and-conditions/

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Self-Expression by Design Reading


Your Human Design bodygraph chart is your very own map of your unique energetic signature based on the day you were born! This chart holds the secrets to finding your unique voice, sharing your powerful story and making an impact with your words. This reading is perfect for you if... You're a CEO, coach, consultant, educator or creator...You struggle with translating your expertise into words that connect with your ideal clients...You want to show up more confidently and authentically when you present, speak or record...The copy on your website or social media sounds boring, overly-logical or like it was written by ChatGPT... In this reading, we will dive deep into your Self-Expression Design to help you communicate your genius so you can connect deeply with your audience, clients, and community. This reading includes: 90-minute reading on Zoom or Google Meet where we decode your natural communication and self-expression gifts.Video recording to rewatch any time.PDF of your Human Design Chart so you can keep learning about your unique self-expression style.Written Self-Expression Analysis to guide your professional and brand communications (delivered 1 week after your reading) Tay Francis is a Human Design Specialist and a certified Professional Life Coach with degrees in psychology and development statistics, along with 10 years of experience as a behavioural and social impact researcher. During the pandemic, Tay left her corporate market research career behind, healed her chronic illness with Human Design and started a business where she uses her gifts to help real people in their real lives. By purchasing this reading, you agree to the Terms and Conditions: https://www.thetayfrancis.com/terms-and-conditions/

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The Ultimate Guide for Surviving Mercury Retrograde


A workbook of prompts to help you survive and thrive when Mercury is in the microwave

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